
Friday, June 22, 2012

The "Threshold of Hell"

I live in a pretty rural area.
It is beautiful and has amazing views.
It has easy access to boating and 4-wheeling.
The people who live out here are hardy and tough and good.
Every summer, out here on the frontier, there is a new plague.
The year we moved in, it was crickets.  Thousands of them.  Everywhere.
The next summer, it was voles {small rodents that are a little bigger than mice, but not as big as rats, with shorter tails.}
Some years, it's large spiders.
Some years, it's snakes.
But one thing we have to deal with every year are the fires.

{all photos taken by my neighbors}
A friend of mine, taking into consideration everything that we deal with out here, nicknamed the area "The Threshold of Hell". 
I'd say he's pretty accurate.

So we are at the ready.  We've gathered our belongings.  We are ready to go if/when that call comes.
Hundreds in our town have already evacuated.  Some homes have been damaged.

So we'll wait and see.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Winner! ...and I went with blue

Congratulations to Jenn, the winner of our Valshi $25 gift certificate!

{The result isn't showing up for some reason, but it was comment #2!}

Jenn said...

Just liked Valshi Boutiques Facebook page and I would LOVE to win this giveaway!
May 24, 2012 5:13 PM

...AND Congratulations to our $5 jewelry wall winners:
van Zwol Family
The Harding Family
and a big THANK YOU to Ashley at Valshi for hosting this awesome giveaway!

To claim your fabulous prizes, send me an e-mail and I will forward them to Ashley.

Also, remember this little beaut?
I decided to paint it navy blue, and I love how it turned out!
The room is slooowwwly coming together {see?  I added another A, and hung some I need to replace those curtains, and find a good lamp}.
Have a Great Day!