
Saturday, January 14, 2017


This month's Visiting Teaching message centers around the Purpose of the Relief Society.  The Relief Society was organized to help women lift and support each other both temporally and spiritually.

I love that instinctively, the women of the church in Nauvoo gathered together to try to do good.  It's even better, and more inspired that at that point, the Prophet Joseph Smith realized that something had been missing from the Church organization, and that the women needed to be officially organized under the pattern of the priesthood.

The Relief Society--organized under the power of the priesthood--was "something better" than just a club of ladies meeting together, it was a necessary step in the progression of the Church.

Not only was the Relief Society organization "something better", but the sisters who belong to it are, and strive to be "something better".

January seems to be the month where I focus on "something better" for myself and my family.  We set goals and try to realize our hopes and dreams.  Some of our goals are centered on being "something better" for the Lord.
For the message this month, I put together some fun bee-themed objects to go with the print-out of the message.

If you want, you can put together a little basket with your bee things, or if you want to simplify the handout, you can grab some honey and add the message and tag to that.

You can print the message here.

And the Bee Something Better tag here.

Happy Visiting Teaching!