
Monday, February 28, 2011

Uh oh.  Yesterday I realized that I have become THAT mom.

Yep.  The PB & J mom. 

3 times a week. 

I should have seen the warning signs.

My kids telling me about their friends' awesome lunches, and the occasional "I traded...", and the stomping whenever I mentioned peanut butter...

I should have figured it out. 

But I didn't.

Because who doesn't love a good PB &J? 

Apparently my children.

So I need some lunch ideas. 



  1. Turkey wraps . . . like a turkey sandwich, but on a tortilla. Homemade lunchables . . . crackers with meat and cheese cut out with a cookie cutter. I like a good pb&j myself though!

  2. I'm not one to take the time to make cute stuff for lunch. But I do mix up the sandwiches with easy stuff like bagels, quesadillas, or our homemade version of lunchables (crackers, cheese, and meat-one favorite is pepperoni). Even something like leftover chicken salad or egg salad can be sent in a little container or even a baggie (if you can't trust them to bring containers home-I like to be able to just throw it all away).

    And just because I don't think I've ever commented on your blog, so you probably don't know who I am, hi, it's Tawnya.

  3. Have you seen this blog post? She talks a bit about containers, then creative lunches and then talks about some of recipes that work well as leftovers. I think the middle section is the best. Maybe it will at least give you some ideas. This other blog post also has some ideas.

  4. i meant "some of their recipes"


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