
Friday, April 1, 2011

Burlap Love

I don't know what it is, but lately, I really love burlap

I've seen some really cute wreaths, pillows, chairs and framed products made with burlap...

I've been wanting to put this pillow together for awhile now, but just took the time this morning.

I can't decide if I want to put it in the living room...

on my bed...

or outside...

Which do you think?

I'm linking this burlap project up to Funky Junk's Saturday Night Special, Burlap Edition.


  1. I am so impressed!!! You made that?! Love it!!

  2. I think I may be in love too and I am usually pretty impartial to burlap. Good job!

  3. Just make 3 more and you can have one in each room! :)

  4. THAT is fantastic! I think you should make me one or two!!!

  5. You made that in ONE morning????

    I can see about a three week project for me!

    And I agree with Kirsten---make plenty more to have everywhere!!!

    Very cool.

  6. Wow, love the roughness of the burlap with the softness of a ruffle. Really cute and I want one!

  7. Hi I'm visiting from SNS , I LOVE THIS PILLOW! I am kinda obsessed with burlap myself... and ruffles. The two together are too perfect for words. I'm a new follower.

  8. Thanks, guys! And welcome aboard, new girls!

  9. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this pillow!! I just picked up some burlap last week. I love seeing all the burlap made items out there in blog land! I love reading your blog, it's such a fun one!

  10. Kathy! Just seeing this for the first time. I LOVE it! I hope you don't mind if I borrow your idea. It is soooo cute! Was it hard to work with or sew on?

  11. saw your pillow on the DIY show off - and had to comment! so cute!

  12. Hi, Kathy! What a cute pillow! Btw, I'm admiring all your creative projects here so can you please share them with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop? I hope to see you at :)

  13. Cute! I like burlap too. Got a bunch at Joann to make some projects.
    I a new follower from the Creative Bloggers Party & Hop.
    Ana Paula.

  14. Yay! Thank you for coming, Kathy! Really appreciate you sharing this great post with us at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.


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