
Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Photo Shoot

It's spring break at our house this week, so we have been trying to catch up on a few things on our to-do list.
The most current pictures I have hanging on my wall of my kids are 2 years old.


It is not an easy task to get 5 children to behave during a "photo shoot"...

Where's the 5th child, you ask? 

She's all over the place.

She won't ever hold still long enough for me to get a good portrait-type picture of her.  Ahh, Bella.

In the end, I think we got a few usable shots...

I'll probably mess with them a little on picasa or photoshop a bit before making prints.

Here is my favorite from the day:

{Nice.  Bella finally looked at the camera.}


  1. Love them all! You should print them up just like you displayed them here, I think that would be so cute, it shows their personalities!

  2. I agree with Momzoo. Great pics and great kids!!


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