
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Summer Craziness

I haven't posted in a few days because we have been super busy with fun summer craziness at our house.  On Friday, my 3 year-old became a 4 year-old

{um, yes, that is Costco chocolate muffin...that is what he wanted...who am I to bake a cake in July when really all he wants is a muffin?  It was his birthday request...}

and I sent my husband for a night at scout camp with our son {who had been gone since Monday}. 

Jesse had a great time and earned a few merit badges.
He has the best. scout leaders. ever.

On Saturday, I caught a few yard sales and found a few treasures and the campers came home {laundry} and we went to see Harry Potter! 

Sundays are their own version of craziness around here and this one did not disappoint {here's a hint: there were explosions from my blender...}.  

Monday we spent at amusement park here in Utah.  It was my first time there since Jr. High, and my kids' first time ever. 

There were lots of things for the little kids to do,
...and the big kids...

{Mine are the three in the front with their arms and legs safely inside the ride...}

and here are my boys...

"The Rocket" was a favorite...

...and then we decided to try the Sky Coaster. 
A Sky Coaster is a sky dive-type ride where you get pulled up a cord from 100-300 ft and then a rip cord is pulled and you plummet to the earth.

This is Jesse with his cousin and a friend on their way up...

...and then down!

Then it was my turn.  {please excuse the oh-so-cute was super humid and we had just finished going through Rattlesnake Rapids a few minutes earlier...} I went with Travus and Brynna.

There we are going up...

...and here we are mid-flight.

...and then back on the ground.
It was really fun!

We all had a great time and completely wore out the kids...and ourselves.  This next week promises to be just as crazy--it includes a few parties, a reunion and a vacation!

1 comment:

  1. I wish my good hair days looked like your bad hair days. . .


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