
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bag Dump

My friend Katie's most recent post inspired me to open up and share the contents of my bag with you all.

I myself am facinated at these types of posts, because I am nosy like that.

Although Katie had waaaay cooler things in her bag than I do in mine {hello, glasses for every occasion!  WD40!  Rubber gloves!}, I thought it still might be fun to share.

This is my bag this month.  I got it on clearance at Old Navy.  I usually switch bags every month or two, depending on my mood, or how heavy {and messy} it is getting with all of the crap that accumulates.

For your information, my bag weighed in around 3 pounds, which is why I am still using it and haven't switched yet...

...and here's what was inside:

My wallet
A flashlight
A vintage pterodactyl dinobot with a missing head
Lotion from the hotel in West Yellowstone
Feminine supplies
My favorite chocolate
 A butterscotch sucker from the bank
My nephew's mission address
My most recent shopping list
Diaper and wipes
Hand sanitizer
The conference cds from April 2010 General Conference
and 2 pounds of garbage...candy wrappers, receipts, etc. etc. {which I didn't're welcome}
Usually, I also carry in my bag an extra pair of underwear for my son {just in case}, lucky for you, there weren't any there this time.

My bag also smells like there was some kind of sunblock spill in there...dang kids!

What's in your bag?


  1. Ok, I love the bag of chocolate (now I know who to hit up if I need a fix). I usually carry around the same thing in my purse!

  2. Too funny!!! Clearly I need to remove some things from my purse-3 pounds. Love the pterodactyl!!! So funny! :) Glad to know I'm not the only one with random stuff in there!

  3. I loved that talk in conference, and I really love where everyone is going with it. Great lesson today. I think I need to stick some chocolate in my purse too!!


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