
Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today is our Anniversary!

15 years ago, I married the most amazing man. 

We have been through a lot together.

I haven't been the easiest person to live with.

I'm goofy and obnoxious sometimes.

I have waaaaay too many project and craft supplies.

I love to shop.

I cry over everything.

I'm absent minded.

and I'm a terrible housekeeper....

But he loves me anyway.

And I love him.

So, so, much.

I can't wait to spend forever with this man.


  1. love this! and for the record, i'm sure his quirks balance out yours with the whole 'hard to live with' thing. cory & i think the world of both of you :) enjoy your day!

  2. I absolutely LOVE to see wedding pictures of my friends. You actually haven't changed a bit! Still look young and beautiful :)

    I can't imagine you are hard to live with...seems like he got quite a catch as well!

    Happy Anniversary!

  3. And you two are still amazing as you were back at Snow. And you even gave him a second chance after your disastrous first date!!! :)

    1. Just curious...what happened that made it so disasterous? Bet it couldn't have been worse than some of the dates I've been on... lol!

  4. You two are the sweetest couple, and you compliment eachother perfectly. :)
    -Jamie Hill

  5. What a darling picture! Congrats on 15 years!


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