
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September Visiting Teaching Message {finally!}

This month the message is
Strengthening Families by Increasing Spirituality

There are many ways we can accomplish this...

-Scripture Study
-Family Home Evening
-Family Mealtimes
-Church Attendance
-Keeping the Commandments
-Renewing Covenants made at Baptism
-Qualifying for, Receiving, and Acting on Personal Revelation
-Making and Keeping Temple Covenants
-Living the Principles of the Gospel

This month, I put the message together using autumny paper. 

You will need:
4-5 sheets autumn-colored paper
The download for the message and recipe {note: I printed the first page of the message and then flipped it over and printed the second page on the back}
The "Aids for Increasing Sprituality" download {stick this to the back of the Kool-Aid packet}
A packet of Kool-Aid
Some string or ribbon

Happy Visiting Teaching!


  1. Thank You so much for sharing!!!!

  2. Love your stuff. Thanks! I'm a follower now. :)

  3. As usual, love the idea. Also, I gave you an award. Stop by my blog to nab it.

  4. Thanks! I attached the "aid" for increasing spirituality to a water bottle with ribbon and a kool-aid single pack. It worked great!

  5. I really like your ideas! Thanks for sharing.


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