
Monday, August 20, 2012

August Visiting Teaching {better late than never}

The Visiting Teaching Message for August is
"Taking Action in Time of Need"
The sisters we visit should be able to say, "If I have problems, I know my visiting teachers will help without waiting to be asked."  This means that we need to get to know our sisters and interact with them enough, that we know what is going on in their lives, and help if we can.  We can be instruments in the hands of God in helping our sisters. 

For my sisters, I bought some hand lotion {so our hands will always be ready to help} and printed the message on these full-sheet labels.  Then I cut them out and stuck them on the bottles of lotion.
You are welcome to print out the message and label here.  If you would like the yellow one, send me a note, and I will send you the link.

Happy Visiting Teaching!


  1. I love this, however Google says there is a problem and I can't open this to print it. My email is if you can email me please and thank you.

  2. Kris-My e-mail is having issues, but I fixed the link. Let me know if you have any more problems.

  3. We love your cute visiting teaching idea! We found your cute blog and would love to have you link up anytime to our Strut Your Stuff Saturday link party at We are also hosting a Build Your Blog Conference in Salt Lake on Feb. 16, 2013. You can find a link for more info on our website or go to We hope to hear from you! -The Six Sisters

  4. You have such wonderful ideas. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. I love the August VT idea. Is there a way you could email me just the txt. I'm wanting to print it on regular paper for a small lotion for my sisters.

  5. yes please - a copy of the yellow file - arendje - thank you for sharing -

  6. yes please - a copy of the yellow file - arendje - thank you for sharing -

  7. Cute. Cute. idea. You are so good at coming up with ideas for VT. I have yet to get a route her in PA but when I do, i am copying you.

  8. I LOVE all your ideas :)!
    Can i please get the yellow file-

  9. Your idea with the hand lotion is exactly what I was looking for! Would you please send me the link for the yellow label. Keep up the great things you're doing! I will be back to visit soon!

  10. Thank you for sharing your talent with us! I love all your ideas! Is nice to have you back:)

  11. Susan--I can't find your e-mail. Send me a note so that I can send you the VT message in yellow. :)

  12. Kathy,

    My email is Thanks!

  13. I just want to apologize to all of you who wanted the printable in yellow. Somehow, I deleted it, and when I tried to redo it, it would only work in green. Then it wouldn't upload to Google docs. So I tried to send it as an attachment to each of you...but it was too big and wouldn't work. I hope you were able to manage without it.

  14. When I click on to the link for the printable it doesn't come up...
    can you email it to me?
    Thank you!!

    PS...I love your blog!! Thanks so much!


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