
Friday, October 4, 2013

Crazy September!

I can’t believe how fast September went!

Between football games, a family vacation, my high school reunion {20 years?!}, a church event, birthdays and our anniversary—it just flew by!

Even amongst the chaos, I managed to bring a little bit of autumn into our home.

P1180979P1180978I always get so excited when I pull out the fall decorations.  I store them with all of my fall candles {which, ironically, I don’t burn very often} and when I open those storage totes I get a burst of yummy fall smells.  Heaven.P1180980

P1180981I also finished refinishing my dining table.  I apparently have some kind of white furniture obsession going on because everything I do lately gets painted white.  For reals.

P1180992P1180985P1180991 P1180982P1180996Of course there are a bajillion things that I want to do to this dining room.  Curtains, rug, walls, lighting, floors {I miss my dark wood floors and am considering refinishing…thoughts?}…deep breath, baby steps.

Maybe someday in like, 20 years, my house will finally feel put together.  Does anyone else feel this way?   

We’ve been busy this week putting October’s Visiting Teaching message together and decking the halls with spiderwebs, skeletons and pumpkins, come back next week for pictures and how I gave up my death grip {ha!} on being the only holiday decorator around here.

Have a great day!


  1. LOve Love Love your autumn decor! I just commented on your facebook page too. I would love to know where you find the cute autumn embroidery! and the Kind/quiet quote!! So cute! Thanks for sharing! You are AWESOME, CUTE, FUN, INSPIRING ideas!!

  2. LOve Love Love your autumn decor! I just commented on your facebook page too. I would love to know where you find the cute autumn embroidery! and the Kind/quiet quote!! So cute! Thanks for sharing! You are AWESOME, CUTE, FUN, INSPIRING ideas!!

  3. Hi!
    Just looking over some of your older posts, and this one is so fun!
    Love the white painted dining room table!!
    I am trying to convince my sweet husband that we should paint our dining room table as well. He's hesitant, to say the least.
    I'll show him yours, and perhaps it will help sway him :)

    Warm wishes....


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