
Monday, January 6, 2014

January Visiting Teaching Message {The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Exemplar}

This month for Visiting Teaching, we are focusing on how Christ was the ultimate example.  When we draw near to Christ and follow His example of love and service, we become more like Him. 

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said “You wonderful sisters render compassionate service to others for reasons that supersede desires for personal benefits.  In this you emulate the Savior.  His thoughts were always tuned to help others.”

P1200380 There are so many ways we can look outside of ourselves and help others each day.  I’m a list maker.  If it doesn’t go on my list—it doesn’t get done.  So for the handout this month, I grabbed a few calendars from the dollar store for 2014.  P1200354I took the plastic cover off, and underneath was a cardboard cover.P1200356P1200357P1200360P1200379 Inside, I have the message, a place to write the contact info for each of my sisters, and a place to jot down a few service goals {for example: doing an act of service each day, visiting with my sisters before the 15th of the month, being more aware of the ways that I can serve my family and neighbors, etc.} Not only will I be giving these to the sisters I visit this month, but I made one for myself as well, because I need it.

P1200361P1200359 If you would like to make this for your sisters, you will need a sheet of cute paper for the message.  Print the message part on the white side, or least printy side. {I cut down a sheet of 12x12 to print on, and then used the scraps to back the white sheets}, and just regular white printer paper for the cover, contact info sheet and service goal sheet.  You can also add a pen, a binder clip and washi tape if you would like.

P1200381Happy Visiting Teaching!


  1. The printables won't open up, help?

  2. This is Awesome! Thanks you so so much for sharing!

  3. Thank you this was very helpful!

  4. Thank you this was very helpful!

  5. I love this idea, Thank you. I have been unable to find calendars like you used so I will have to adapt for the ones I could find. What size were that books that you found?

  6. LOVE THE IDEA!! I couldn't find the small calendars but found the 8X10. I used your front page idea and made my own for the address info. to accommodate the new size. I also made a different tag for the service goals. I was so happy to use my scrapbook pages that I have around...Over all I'm so excited to go visit my sisters and pass this gift out. THANK YOU!!


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