
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

February Visiting Teaching Message {The Divine Mission of Christ: Good Shepherd}

For Visiting Teaching this month, the message focuses on how our Savior, Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd.  God knows and loves each of us so much.  He wants us to be happy and to love and serve each other—even those who may have gone astray. 

When we follow Him, and help others to come unto Him, our lives will be filled with peace and the joy that only the gospel can bring.

VTFebPic1 For my sisters, I thought it would be fun to create a little Valentine Banner.

VTFebPic2To make your own, you will need 3 sheets of heavy Valentiney paper, about 4 feet of ribbon or jute and 2 bars of chocolate {one for them, one for you}. The message is printed the back of the banner and strung together with jute.  You will need to print an additional page of banner pieces  {without the message} to complete the banner. 

P1200534P1200537Assemble with your jute or ribbon.  To finish, print and cut the letters LOVE and affix to the banner.  I added chocolate {of course} and tied a bow with the ends of the string.

Happy Visiting Teaching!

P.S.  Out of time?  These VT messages are available for purchase at The Country Loft in Lehi, UT.  Also, if you are making your own, they have some great Valentiney paper.

P.P.S  If you make these for your sisters, I would love to see how they turn out!  Post a link in the comments, share a photo on mishmashmom’s facebook page, or send me an email.


  1. What a great idea. I will have to attempt to make these. Thanks for the idea!!

  2. Darling idea! I never go quite that all out for my visiting teaching. Probably because the people I teach are my good friends... I know that shouldn't matter, but for some reason it does. :) I love the idea though! Thanks for sharing!

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    Laura Muir


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