This month’s Visiting Teaching message focuses on how we can be the Lord’s hands here on the earth and help others. I love Linda K. Burton’s quote “ First Observe, then Serve” that is included in this month’s message.
Sometimes I have to stop and put on my “Service Glasses” so that I pay attention to the people around me who may need my help. So for the handout this month, I included some Service Sunglasses with the message.
I know that when I take the time to serve others, my life is so much better and I am happier.
To put together your own handout this month, you will need a 12x12 sheet of cute, summery paper, some white cardstock, and a 2x12 inch sheet to bind everything together. You will also need some sunglasses {I got mine at the dollar store}.
Take your 12x12 sheet and fold it in half horizontally. Then cut it in half so that you have 2 six inch pockets {I then trimmed mine down to 5” because I liked the look better}. Use a circle punch to create the dippy notch at the top of the pocket and then bind pocket together using 2x12 inch strip.
Print the message {there are two per page} and trim down to 4”.
Print the tags and tie to the sunglasses, and slide into pocket.
Happy Visiting Teaching!
P.S. As always, you can find these for sale at The Country Loft in Lehi.
I love you handout ideas!!! Thank you so much for sharing your fabulous ideas with us!! I couldn't get this month's too print out though.