
Thursday, March 26, 2015

March Visiting Teaching Message-The Attributes of Jesus Christ: Long-Suffering and Patient

I realize that there are exactly 5 days left in March, and that most of you have already visited your sisters this month, but in case you are still looking for something special to take to your sisters, here’s a fun idea.

20150326_145550[1]This month’s message is is on learning to be patient.  President Uchtdorf said “Patience is not passive resignation, nor is it failing to act because of our fears.  Patience means active waiting and enduring.  It means staying with something….even when the desires of our hearts are delayed.  Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!”

I’m a flower market kind of girl.  I love purchasing flowers and arranging beautiful bouquets.  I also love seeing flowers blooming in my garden, but can wholly attribute them to my husband and his green thumbs.

I have a hard time waiting for the weeks and sometimes months that it takes to plant, fertilize, water and nurture a seed till it blooms.  I want it now.

Life is like this in so many ways.

It’s so hard to wait for big events in our lives, or the things that we want, or answers to our prayers.  That is why we need to cultivate patience.  We need to realize that the Lord is aware of our needs and wants, and that He knows what is best for us.

The best things in life will come to us as we actively wait and endure—not just endure, but endure well.

20150326_145610[1]For my sisters this month, I purchased a garden cultivator and some seeds from the Dollar Store.  I printed the message and wrapped it around the box of seeds.  I tied some twine around the box and the cultivator and printed the words “cultivate faith” on a garden marker.

Happy Visiting Teaching!

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