
Sunday, September 25, 2011


You Are Not Forgotten

As a child, when I would look at the little forget-me-nots, I sometimes felt a little like that flower—small and very insignificant. I wondered if I would be forgotten by my family or by my Heavenly Father.
Years later, I can look back on that young boy with tenderness and compassion. And I do know now I was never forgotten.
And I know something else. As an Apostle of our Master, Jesus Christ, I proclaim with all the certainty and conviction of my heart and soul—neither are you!
You are not forgotten.
Sisters, wherever you are, whatever the circumstances may be, you are not forgotten. No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel, no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you. In fact, He loves you, with an infinite love.
—President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

This was one of my favorite moments from the General Relief Society Meeting last night.  I add my testimony to President Uchtdorf's, that I know that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and knows my trials and triumphs, my heartaches and my happiness.  And that I am not alone.  I am not forgotten.

You can find this and other highlights from the meeting here.

Also, I was a member of the choir that sang last night at the conference!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Autumn's Coming!

My favorite season is Autumn!

Hot Chocolate, sweaters, boots, cider, pumpkin everything, burlap, tweed, wool, velvet, blankets, leaves, anticipation for the holidays, apple everything, soups!, hot chocolate...

Fall decorating is something I usually make myself wait to do until it is officially Autumn...but since it is starting this week, I'm going to go ahead.  And because it feels like Autumn already.

Later in the week, I'll post some photos of my Autumn decorations, but to help you get excited for Autumn, I thought I would leave you with a few gems from Pinterest.

{Pumpkins in the bed!  So pretty, but so impractical...}


Yay for Fall!

Friday, September 16, 2011

How to keep your older kids occupied for hours...

Step 1.  Get your camera.
Step 2.  Lay on the ground.
Step 3.  Take pictures of them as they jump off of stuff. {not really high stuff, duh}  Or while they jump on the trampoline...that would work, too.

Step 4.  Repeat.

P.S.  I used the "film grain" mode on my camera for all of these pictures and besides looking kind of gritty and cool, they load onto blogger super fast!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011



I'm feeling kind of random today.

Here's what I had for lunch.  My kids were amazed at my sandwich stacking skills.

Here's my latest sewing project. {made from the fabric I won!}

I love this time of year...veggies straight from the garden, and scarves and boots!

This is my new favorite show...this is totally my dream job...not necessarily the tv part, but the junking and furniture repurposing and having a shop to sell these things in all while looking marvelous...*sigh*

And {because you've all been dying to know} I finally entered a project for Sew Dang Cute's
I decided to enter the quilt because it has fun colors and frankly, I'm in love with it.

Fingers crossed.

Have a super day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September Visiting Teaching Message {finally!}

This month the message is
Strengthening Families by Increasing Spirituality

There are many ways we can accomplish this...

-Scripture Study
-Family Home Evening
-Family Mealtimes
-Church Attendance
-Keeping the Commandments
-Renewing Covenants made at Baptism
-Qualifying for, Receiving, and Acting on Personal Revelation
-Making and Keeping Temple Covenants
-Living the Principles of the Gospel

This month, I put the message together using autumny paper. 

You will need:
4-5 sheets autumn-colored paper
The download for the message and recipe {note: I printed the first page of the message and then flipped it over and printed the second page on the back}
The "Aids for Increasing Sprituality" download {stick this to the back of the Kool-Aid packet}
A packet of Kool-Aid
Some string or ribbon

Happy Visiting Teaching!

Our Weekend

I love long weekends!

My 10-year-old became an 11-year-old,

I finally got to try this tutorial, {these are enlarged photos on canvas!}

{this is 16x20}

{this one is 18x24}

{this one is also 16x20}

and I found a cool setting on my camera! {it's called "film grain"}

Plus, there was camping, girl time, golf, ice cream, pizza, and gardening.

I hope you had a great weekend, too!


Today is our Anniversary!

15 years ago, I married the most amazing man. 

We have been through a lot together.

I haven't been the easiest person to live with.

I'm goofy and obnoxious sometimes.

I have waaaaay too many project and craft supplies.

I love to shop.

I cry over everything.

I'm absent minded.

and I'm a terrible housekeeper....

But he loves me anyway.

And I love him.

So, so, much.

I can't wait to spend forever with this man.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It's a Miracle!

I finally finished a quilt!

During the past year, I've learned a lot about myself...I love to start a new project, but I'm not very good at finishing.

But today, I finished my quilt!

You know, the one on the top right corner of my header for this blog...

The one I bought fabric for a year ago last May...

Yeah...THAT one!

I love how it turned out!  I obsessed over everything from the wood print fabric to the thread that it would be quilted with, to the design that would be quilted onto it, etc., etc.

But it would still be a sad, un-quilted quilt top without my friend Cori.

She is my quilting idol.

She taught me so many things during this process, allowed me to use her awesome sewing machine for quilting, and did much of the quilting for me...I am so blessed to have her for a friend!  Thanks, Cori!

...Also, I need your help.

I'm thinking about entering a project to be a contestant on Sew Dang Cute's Crafting with the Stars, and can only show one project as an audition...

Here are my options:

What do you think?