
Wednesday, October 9, 2013


I always restrain myself from putting up my Halloween decorations till it is officially October.  I usually do most of the decorating while the kids are at school, because they love coming home to see it up.  This year however, they have helped me put up most of it and it has been so fun to see their vision of Halloween decorating come to life.P1190039Letting them help has been an adjustment for me.  I think one reason I like to do it while they are gone is so that I can do it MY way.P1190031Not everything is exactly where I would put it, but it’s been fun to see their imaginations at work as they place things.P1190040P1190050P1190047P1190045This is a brain that my son is growing from a science kit he got at school.  We need to find some more creepy things for the other beakers…any suggestions?      P1190034P1190038It’s also been fun to see it evolve over time.  This spider web just keeps getting scarier :)

How do you do Halloween at your house?


  1. I am the same way about preferring to decorate when the kids are asleep. I like control, and I don't like messes! You have some really creative Halloween decorations!

  2. I love that Frankenstein coming out of the picture. Brilliant.


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