
Thursday, November 7, 2013

November VT Message {Conference Preserves}

What a great General Conference we had in October!  I loved every minute and drew such strength from each of the speakers.  I preserved a few of my favorite thoughts and quotes to share with my Visiting Teaching sisters, and you are welcome to use them, too.

P1200007To make some Conference Preserves to share with your sisters, you will need 3 sheets of paper—I used a regular weight paper with a cute print on one side and white on the back.  I printed on the white side.

P1200001P1200002   Click here, here, and here for the quotes.

Next I cut them along the dotted lines, folded them, and put them in a quart jar with some extra treats.


P1200010 To make the tag, click on the link below to print, then cut around or use a punch to cut them out.


The tag is large enough to put on your lid if you are using a wide-mouth jar, or, you can tie it around the neck of the jar with some ribbon.

Click here for the tag.

I hope that you had a great conference, too!

Happy Visiting Teaching!

P1200009 P.S.  If you are in the North Utah County area and would rather purchase some Conference Preserves to share with your sisters this month, there are limited quantities available at The Country Loft {288 E. Main Street} in Lehi. 


  1. That's such a cute idea!! I love it. I'm going to try to get this done for the girls I visit teach!

  2. Thank you. Love the idea. Going to use a plastic container for an elderly sister. There are some words
    missing on a few of the quotes.
    My computer?

  3. Jeri-Thanks for the heads up! I think I've got them all fixed now.

  4. I love this for VT but I'm not able to print them out. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
    Thanks, Roxann

  5. why can't I get them to print a normal size =*(

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with all of us! I loved making these preserves and know my sisters will love receiving them.

  8. Such a cute idea! I know my sisters are going to love it! Thank you so much!

  9. Just wanted to send you a little note, and thank you for this idea, and more importantly to me, for sharing it.
    We live in rural Utah, and there are really no stores near us.
    It is so nice that you've graciously shared your idea, and now we have something cute and thoughtful to give to our visiting teachers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

    Warm wishes.....

  10. Thank you for this perfect visiting teaching idea. I love it and I am sure my sister will too.


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